Friday, June 17, 2011

Stormy Stories from Wilmore, Kentucky

We were outside our van, frying up some David Donaldson specialty hamburgers to share with our booth neighbours and feeding some hungry band members ready to hit the road, when the storm warning came again. Staff and police were rounding everyone up to safety as the dark clouds rolled over. We quickly packed up our dishes and took our new friends, who are here with 'My Fight', to our blessed host home where we had fresh cherry pie awaiting us.
These initial days have started off well with a great team and awesome opportunities to share and pray and connect with people. I love hearing peoples' stories of where they're at in life.
And in the midst of busyness and long days, God's been reminding me to abide in Him because that's where I'll find rest and security; trusting Him.
Psalm 46 (A verse from The Message)
"Step out of traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your high God, above politics, above everything."

Rheanne and Mobile Team

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